Parent Resource Handbook

For a printable copy of the information found here, as well as additional information of use to parents and other caregivers, please download our Parent Resource Handbook.



Hours of Operation:

The hours of operation Hampton Preschool and Early Learning Center are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm daily. The director is available most days and by appointment. 


Arrival & Departure:

On arrival each morning, parents are asked to:

  1. Bring your child into the classroom;
  2. Make sure a teacher is aware that your child is present;
  3. Help your child place his/her belongings in teh cubby;
  4. Help your child wash his/her hands;
  5. Sign your child in on the attendance sheet before leaving.

At pick-up each day, parents are asked to:

  1. Come into the classroom;
  2. Talk briefly with your child's teacher;
  3. Collect your child's belongings;
  4. Sign your child out on the attendance sheet before leaving.

Parents must notify HPELC in writing of anyone authorized to pick up your child. The staff may require picture identification of anyone picking up a child other than a parent, if they are unknown to the staff.  If an emergency occurs and you anticipate a problem picking up your child, please notify the school immediately at 743-3056.


Inclement Weather and Emergency Closings

During inclement weather, HPELC generally follows Summit Charter School’s decision for a late opening or early departure. When HPELC’s early morning weather schedule is going to differ from Summit’s EVERY family will receive a phone call by 8:00 a.m. HPELP’s weather closings are also announced on WLOS channel 13, Highlands radio station 104.5 FM, and on our school answer machine (743-3056). In the event of early dismissal, parents will be contacted and informed of the school’s intentions. The staff will remain at school until every child has been picked up.


We hope that you will take a few minutes to talk with your child’s teacher each day. 

Parents are welcome in the classroom and are encouraged to meet with the teacher to exchange information about the child or family, the child’s progress, or to discuss any specific concerns. HPELC staff are committed to the well being of each child and family in the program. Whenever helpful staff share information with families about community resources. Staff work to be sensitive to families from other cultures and if at all possible, provide program information in the chosen language of the family.

(828) 743-3056
Email Us

20 Community Place
Cashiers, NC 28717

PO Box 569
Cashiers, NC 28717

Hampton Preschool is incorporated under the statutes of the State of North Carolina as a charitable 501(c)3 educational institution which must be operated on an exclusively nonprofit program. Hampton Preschool is licensed by the Division of Child Development, North Carolina Department Of Health and Human Services.